—Adam Weisgerber
POP! Well, it's New Years Eve, and that that means that with this Chair du Jour post I'll have successfully completed my goal of painting 365 chairs! They rock, swivel, swing, recline, glide, or just sit there lookin' good. Hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I have.
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I think this cork chair is the perfect one to end the year with because who doesn't love champagne, dahhling?! And a miniature chair design contest involving a bourgeoisie item like champagne is irresistible, oui, n'est pas? This year Design Within Reach (DWR) sponsored its 4th annual champagne chair contest, and one particular DWR store had a champagne fueled reception sponsored by Veuve Clicquot for this year's top contestants. Of course you know Veuve Clicquot, that's the wicked good stuff with the orange label, and my favorite, wink wink, if you're ever a guest of mine. I'll bet you a bottle that you've taken the cork, the cap, and that little wire doo-hickey thing that holds all that bubble combustion in, and created something or other with it whilst the bubbly was being consumed. But these imbibing designers put our cork and wire doodles to shame. They were brilliantly inspired, and who wouldn't be by all those delicious, golden bubbles? The rules were simple and the results extraordinary—you've gotta Google it to see all the results for yourself.
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Veuve Clicquot Champagne History